Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Backstabbing to 2012?

Many of the media pundits are talking about how Gov. Palin is distancing herself from Sen. McCain so that she can run for the presidentcy in 2012. If true, that would be a baffling tactic. For one thing, no one will remember four years later that she distanced herself from her running mate. Second, to run for the highest office, a person should have a semblance of integrity. And third, she cannot beleive that angering Sen. McCain's allies could be good for a political career.

I did not vote for Sen. McCain. However, I do respect him, and if a political novice believes that trashing the senator will help her win in 2012, I hope she ends up being wrong. I disagree with Sen. McCain on any number of issues, but given the fact that he stayed in a Vietnamese prison because his fellow soldiers and sailors couldn't go home with him, I do know for certain that he would never have pulled something like what Gov. Palin is (supposedly) doing.

For anyone who supports Gov. Palin, I have news for you, the Earth is not 4,500 years old. Jesus did not ask her to run for (vice) president. Her own daughter is proof positive that abstinance only education does not work. A Govenor can violate ethics rules, even if it's not technically illegal (that's how ethics rules work). And victims shouldn't have to pay for their own rape kits.

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